In this powerful podcast interview, my guest Shonagh Home shares with us her own personal transformation from seeker to gifted teacher of the shamanic arts. She discusses the challenges she placed before herself on her own path and how she has evolved to help others to navigate true transformation on their journeys. We learn about Shonagh’s teachers who influenced her path and her special experiences with sacred mushroom medicine. She shares with us the process of spell-breaking when working with her clients and her deep connection to Qwl Medicine.
Shonagh is an international public speaker on the subject of visionary shamanic-spirit medicine and the author of two beautifully written books Ix Chel Wisdom: 7 Teachings from the Mayan Sacred Feminine and Love and Spirit Medicine. Enjoy exploring shonaghhome.com while listening to this interview with a wise and dynamic teacher!!!
DISCLAIMER: This podcast interview mentions the use of Psilocybin mushrooms. These entheogenic mushrooms are illegal to use in many countries including the United States. Caroline Ra does not use or advocate the use of Psilocybin mushrooms. As with all sacred medicine, they are to be honored for the healing wisdom they offer.