Have you yearned to deepen your connection with Nature? As we learn in this fascinating interview with spiritual teacher and author Michael Roads, it begins with deepening our connection with self and the true oneness of creation.

It was ten years ago that I picked up the two-volume set of Michael Roads’ much-loved books Talking with Nature and Journey into Nature. On these pages, Michael shared his metaphysical experiences with Nature and the expansion of his consciousness. Reading his words came at a time when my own consciousness was expanding rapidly. I was beginning my own dialogue with plants and connecting with the healing wisdom of Nature.
It’s been over 30 years since Michael wrote his now famous Talking with Nature. He is an internationally known speaker and teacher as he and his beautiful wife Carolyn travel all over the world holding their 5-day Intensives. Michael has authored over 20 books about the nature of reality and his metaphysical journeys. In this interview, we discuss his latest release Entering The Secret World of Nature and the evolution of consciousness.
We discuss What is Nature?, Knowing vs. Understanding, Subconscious vs. Conscious, the Universal energies of Chaos and Order, plus the true role of Humanity as Bringers of Light on Earth. Michael shares with us how to consciously set our intention with our relationship with Nature and the pitfalls that prevent us from this connection – attachment, expectations, the need to understand, lack of patience, doubt, and focus. We discuss the work of Nature Spirits and Elementals. Plus much more!

Please join me for this fascinating interview with a wise and dynamic teacher. To learn more about Michael's many books and international 5-day intensives, please visit int.michaelroads.org.
Deep gratitude to Brian Zach & Synrgy for the use of their song "Embrace The Change."