Have you ever found yourself humming? Perhaps when you were enjoying yourself or lost in a meditative activity - gardening, hiking, washing the car, or folding laundry? Join me as we learn about Humming - Conscious Humming - a self-created sound with the ability to heal, uplift, and transform!

What a delight it was for me to connect with Jonathan Goldman and Andi Goldman for this fascinating podcast interview focussed on Conscious Humming. Jonathan and Andi, experts in the field of sound healing, joined me to discuss their latest release, The Healing Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness. We'll be learning about Conscious Humming as a vibrational tool for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual transformation. Jonathan and Andi will be playing two musical selections from their work with sound healing: 'Angelic Calling' and 'Cosmic Hum.'
Bring both of your lips, your breath, and your intent and join us for a fun and informative hour with two generous and joyful teachers. Prepare for both meditation and transformation!
"Frequency + Intent = Healing"
- Jonathan Goldman
Jonathan Goldman is an award-winning musician, composer, writer, teacher, and chant master. An authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics, he is the author of several books, including Healing Sounds, and the founder and director of the Sound Healers Association. Andi Goldman is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in holistic counseling and sound therapy, the director of the Healing Sounds Seminars, co-director of the Sound Healers Association, and coauthor, with Jonathan Goldman, of Chakra Frequencies. To learn more about Jonathan and And'is work with sound healing and to receive a special gift when you purchase The Humming Effect, please visit healingsounds.com.
